Announcements | 26 February 2021

Asset Guardian Solutions Limited become an official partner for the Scottish Association for Mental Health

Published by Tina Campbell

Asset Guardian Solutions Limited (AGSL) is pleased to announce it has become an official corporate partner for SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health). The new partnership will see AGSL and SAMH work together to promote and raise awareness of the mental health cause, and the support SAMH offers to individuals throughout Scotland.

Positive Mental Health

SAMH is Scotland’s largest mental health charity, having dedicated itself to mental health for over 90 years. Poor mental health can have a profound effect on relationships, wellbeing and quality of life. With 1 in 4 people experiencing mental health problems each year, SAMH is able to provide the care, help and support to anyone experiencing poor mental health. The charity provides over 60 community support services throughout Scotland and delivers national  programmes in suicide prevention, anti-stigma, anti-bullying and sport and physical activity.

With AGSL becoming an official partner for SAMH, the company will help raise awareness of mental health problems and raise vital funds by assisting in fundraising efforts throughout the year to support the charity, encouraging employees to volunteer their time to help SAMH and offer any support to the charity where required.

Mental Health Training for AGSL Employees

As part of the new partnership, SAMH will provide mental health training to all AGSL employees and managers so that they can be there to support current and future employees and Solution Partners, ensuring positive mental health is recognised throughout the company and beyond.

“We are delighted to become an official partner to such a worthwhile organisation as SAMH. Partnering with them helps us establish a relationship through which we can help raise awareness both within and out with our organisation. We have been a supporter of SAMH for many years now and feel that, during these unprecedented times it is more important than ever to engage and help provide any support possible. We are very excited to be receiving training for all our staff and their partners which will allow us to help SAMH by recognising and understand issues early.”  

Ewan McAllister (Managing Director)

“We are very excited to be working in partnership with AGSL, thank you to all the staff for choosing us as your next charity partner. Looking after your mental health has never been more important, and we can’t wait to work alongside AGSL to raise awareness and vital funds for the mental health cause across Scotland.”

Harriet Key, SAMH’s Corporate Partnerships Fundraiser

About SAMH

The Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) was founded in 1923 to provide mental health support to a range of Local Associations for mental health. Since then, SAMH has shifted focus to provide mental health support to the Scottish people, with over 60 Support Services being delivered across the country to include social care support, suicide prevention, homelessness, addictions and employment services and more. The charity work under three strategic goals: being there for people, promoting positive mental health, and ending the mental health stigma and discrimination. For more information on SAMH, please visit

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