Announcements | 29 April 2020

Asset Guardian Solutions Limited (AGSL) to raise money for the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

Published by Tina Campbell

Employees at Asset Guardian Solutions Limited will be choosing their own personal activities (in line with Government’s Social Distancing Guidelines) as part of a two week company challenge, starting from Wednesday 29th April to Wednesday 13th May, to raise money for the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH).

SAMH and Mental Health

SAMH is a mental health charity that provides over 60 support services ranging from suicide prevention, peer support and homelessness to mental health outreach, employment and more, throughout Scottish communities.

During the current Pandemic we are all facing, there is no doubt that mental health is being affected and we are increasingly concerned about how the impact of Coronavirus could affect our daily lives. We want people to know that help is available.

As part of our two week challenge, we are hoping to raise awareness of mental health and make a difference by fundraising for SAMH to help those who need to access to mental health services.

It costs just £20 to run one support session where SAMH spend time with someone, listening and talking, helping them in their recovery from mental health.

The AGSL Challenge

Employees at AGSL have decided to take up personal challenges over the two week period to raise funds for SAMH.

AGSL team members and their personal challenges

  • Ewan and Wendy - 10k walk per day
  • Iain - Run 50km over 2 weeks
  • Patrick - Walk and/or Cycle 10km per day
  • Mark S - 20k run per week
  • Greg - 100 mile cycle per week
  • Tina - 30k run per week
  • Blaire - 2x 12 hour Knitathon with donations made to local NICU
  • Graham - Walk/Karate everyday

We are asking for your help in raising awareness and supporting mental health. You can access our SAMH JustGiving Page where you can make a donation of any amount, and support the AGSL team in their personal challenges. Or if you would like to take part and challenge yourself to something over the next two weeks, please join us and share your progress!

We will be updating our JustGiving Page with photos and proof of progress of our efforts to raise money for SAMH.

We are grateful for any donations received.

Thank You
From the Asset Guardian team

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