Announcements | 12 May 2022

Asset Guardian Solutions Limited achieves ISO/IEC 27001 certification

Published by Suzanne Campbell

Asset Guardian Solutions Limited (AGSL) is pleased to announce it has successfully achieved the ISO/IEC 27001 standard for Information Security Management, a framework that will allow AGSL to take a holistic approach to secure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of the company’s information assets.

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard is managed by the International Organisation for Standardisation, and the International Electrotechnical Commission, and by implementing the ISMS framework, AGSL will be able to demonstrate a set of policies, procedures, processes, and systems that manage information risks such as cyber security attacks, data leaks, or theft of data.

“This is a major achievement for Asset Guardian. The team here has worked extremely hard over the past few months to again achieve a fantastic accreditation whilst not interrupting the day-to-day business of the company. Information that belongs to Asset Guardian, our Partners, and Clients is of the utmost importance to us, and the safe custody of this information was always and remains one of our top priorities. This accreditation gives all our interested parties the peace of mind that their information is well looked after whilst we are its custodians.

I have to say, a huge well done and thanks to everyone involved in both the development and the use of our Information Security System which will allow us to continue to provide safe, secure services well into the future.”

Ewan McAllister, Managing Director at Asset Guardian Solutions Limited

Safeguarding Data of Customers and Partners

By having ISO/IEC 27001 certification, AGSL not only demonstrates its commitment to protecting the most valuable information, but also that of its customers and partners in which safeguarding their most valuable and sensitive information is crucial.

About AGSL

AGSL is dedicated to protecting the integrity of Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) software. The functionality of Asset Guardian is summarised into five categories: Compliance and Configuration Change Management, Disaster Recovery, Cyber Security Management, and Obsolescence Management.

The Asset Guardian solutions allow users to comply with ISO and IEC standards, government directives, and industry best practices in relation to the management and control of their industrial control systems.

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